Friday, August 31, 2007

fareWELL!!! =(

It's been twelve weeks since I first stepped my foot in this institution. Time does run fast. We only have a week to spend with our friends, mentors and blockmates. After that week we will seperate for a while and take a rest from the stresses brought by our studies. Though our first year in Malayan is a bit hard and stressful, I still have delightful moments to look back in my first semester in MCL. I have met a lot of friends. I got closer to them each day. I was able to bond with my professors. We all know that everything in this world has its end. And the end of the first semester is fast approaching. We're kind of sad because we don't know if we will still have the same blockmates as we have now. It's really frightening us to know that only a few of us can make it to the second semester and pass all the courses. But, I'm still hoping that we will all pass. In behalf of IT-1- A51, we would like to thank all our professors for sharing us their knowledge and for being patient for the last 12 weeks. Although we are known to be "pasaways", they still continue to attend our classes and teach. We are sorry for all the misbehaviors that the A51 has shown to each of our teachers. Personally, I would like to thank Ms. Joan because she was able impart good values to my classmates. We never heard her complain about us. She loves us so much. She was very understanding. She was able to jive with different people with different personalities and attitudes. Through VE011, we were able to realize that the small things we do, that for us are worthless is meaningful. To all our professors, once again thank you very much. We hope to see you in the second term. We will miss you. And to my blockmates, hold tighter because we will make it altogether in the next term. I will miss all of you guys, the laughter, the tears, and the "tambays". I'm just here if you need help. I'm just a text away. "Walang Iwanan"...

"NO" to negative PEER pressure!!!

Actually, I haven’t experienced being pressured by my friends to do bad things. My friends know me. I don’t like being asked by my friends to do this and that for the sake of friendship. I hate people pressuring others to do bad things. But if ever I will be put in this situation, I would definitely say “NO”. I would stand by my decision of saying “NO” even if he/she is one of my closest friend and he/she is asking me to do things that I know will destroy me, the answer is a big “NO”. But, if it will help me to improve more and hone-up my personality, I would take consideration for that. For those, who have been experiencing negative peer pressure, learn to say “NO”. If your friend will hate you because you refuse their offer, you better be looking for a new one because definitely they are not a true friend. Remember “A true friend doesn’t convince his/her friend to do bad things.”

HONESTly speaking!!!

I took challenge no. 1…hehehehe… I am not afraid to tell everyone that I tried smoking and occasionally drink alcohol. I was not pressured or influence by my friends to try this stuff. It’s my personal decision to try these for curiosity sake. I even told my parents about this and share my experience. Honestly, I only tried 3 sticks of cigarette from my entire life and the 3rd one would definitely be the last. I also stopped drinking already. I have realized that it’s enough that I have tried these things. At least I know what are the effects and consequences that this habit would bring me. I promised myself that I won’t drink and smoke again. I don’t say that smokers and drinkers are bad because my dad is also a heavy drinker. It’s just that we should learn to lessen this habit in order for our health not to suffer because at the end we will lose everything, the fountain of youth and healthy body. So, now I have shared my secret about these habits… Be honest guys!!! The Lord sees you every time … so there’s no space for LYING … telling the truth wouldn’t bring you any harm…

Bring back the scores!!!

I challenge myself to get high scores not only in our quizzes but in our long exams and I did it. I won the challenge. During the past examination, I got low scores compared to what I usually get in high school. During my high school days, I would always get a perfect score, 2-3 mistakes and not greater that 10 mistakes. But during the last examinations, I got 60/100, 47/70, 51/80 so I was alarmed by these scores because I’m not used to see these scores in my test papers. So it waked me up to get serious in my studies in this new phase of my life (COLLEGE). And gladly, I was able to bring back my study habits that I used to have before. During our second long examination in Humanities-011L, I was confident that I would get a high score that that of I had during the first long exam because I studied harder. So when Sir Mesina returned the paper, I was really happy to see 65/60 in my booklet. I was the highest in the long examination. It did excess five points because there was an additional 10 points for those who will pass the exam. While during our third long examination in trigonometry, I was also confident that I would get a perfect score, why? because I studied all the examples given to us by Ms. Dampil. So when it was time to return the booklet, I got 85/85..YES!!! I had recovered from a very low score last time. Honestly, this journal entry really challenged me to do well in my exams. So I would like to thank Ms. Joan for this..

"An Inconvenient Truth"

The movie “Inconvenient Truth” is really a good film. The most striking part of the movie was when the al Gore showed the effect of the melting of ice in cold countries. I was really sad to see that there would be an overflow of water in these countries. Definitely, there would be a big number of casualties if this would happen. I was really disappointed with myself and for all the people because we are the ones destroying our fatherland. The Lord created our world to be taken cared of not to destroy it. Though, I have realized that it was not too late to take care of our land. There are still simple things that could stop “Global Warming” like conserving water. I admit that I have wasted a lot of water since I learned to take a bath on my own. Believe it or not that I can empty a drum full of water in one hour. Even though I’m slim, I consume a lot of water. So from now on, I will try to use water the right way it should be use and not wasting it…

Sunday, August 5, 2007

From Fifth to First...( the most challenging event in my academic career)

During my third year in high school, I got this once in a lifetime opportunity to represent the Philippines in an International Symposium held in San Jose, Costa Rica. I grabbed the opportunity but I can’t serve two masters at the same time. My studies had to suffer so I’ll be able to prepare for the upcoming international symposium. We’re given three months to prepare. During the period of preparation, I wasn’t able to attend to my studies. I covered a total of 20 absences in school. I missed a lot of quizzes, exercises, recitations, projects, etc; even my candidacy for student council was also left behind. So definitely, I lost. Hehehe!!! I wen to school to take my monthly exams though I only have a little amount of information about the exams still I wasn’t confident that I would pass it. Fortunately, I passed the exams but I got low scores compared to what I usually get during exams. I got 70 out of 100, 60 and etc,. When I left the Philippines, I know that another challenge is waiting for me there. But what’s going on in my mind was when I get back I will take my periodical exams without anything in my head at all. I don’t know what will be my exam all about. And the hanging question was will I still have the same ranking as I do when I was in 2nd year? Definitely not!!! My stay in Costa Rica was also challenging. Everyday I got the chance to meet other people across the world, spend time with them and talk a little. But I know that once I stepped my foot in NAIA that will be the start of a bigger challenge in my life as far as my studies are concern. I have to copy the lectures I missed very fast to be ready for the upcoming periodical exams. Unfortunately, I still got low scores in my exams. Few weeks later, its card giving time and posting of honor roll. I was really afraid to look at the list because I know that I definitely lost my rank but how low did I go? When I looked at the list, it was mixed emotions. I was happy to see my name still on the list but sad to see it on the fifth slot. I was challenged by that event though my teachers were comforting me and telling me that I can still win the first slot and all I have to do is to do my best and really work hard for it. So, I promised to myself that I will see my name on top of others during the second card giving and posting of honor roll. When the second grading starts, I really tripled my effort. As much as possible, I tried to get a perfect score in my quizzes, exams and exercises. I participated in different school activities. I even stayed-up late just to review for the monthly and periodical exams and to finish my exams. But all those hard work paid off at the end. During the second card giving, it was really a nerve-rocking moment for me. I don’t have any idea if I made it on top again or not. When the honor roll was post, I was very happy to see my name on the no.1 spot: 1. LLANO III, MARCIAL A. Wooh! My hardships paid off. My co-honors were also happy for me as well as my teachers; they even told me “we told you, you can make it.” I triumphantly get over this challenging event of my life.

The Goden Rule: "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you"

Whenever I commit mistakes, I still want to be treated with respect. Nobody is perfect. Everyone does commit mistakes. We’re just human beings. But exemption to the rule is whenever I commit mistakes I want them to treat me the way they do when I do right things. If they want to correct me, they can do so. I’m a person who accepts my own mistakes and ready to be corrected. You can correct people in a nice way not the other way around. In times when somebody asks me to do something, if it’s for my own good and improvement I will follow them but if it’s bad and might cause my downfall I will stand by my decision of not doing it. That’s why God gave us free will to choose from what is right and wrong. Just remember treat other good so they will treat you better.