Friday, August 31, 2007

HONESTly speaking!!!

I took challenge no. 1…hehehehe… I am not afraid to tell everyone that I tried smoking and occasionally drink alcohol. I was not pressured or influence by my friends to try this stuff. It’s my personal decision to try these for curiosity sake. I even told my parents about this and share my experience. Honestly, I only tried 3 sticks of cigarette from my entire life and the 3rd one would definitely be the last. I also stopped drinking already. I have realized that it’s enough that I have tried these things. At least I know what are the effects and consequences that this habit would bring me. I promised myself that I won’t drink and smoke again. I don’t say that smokers and drinkers are bad because my dad is also a heavy drinker. It’s just that we should learn to lessen this habit in order for our health not to suffer because at the end we will lose everything, the fountain of youth and healthy body. So, now I have shared my secret about these habits… Be honest guys!!! The Lord sees you every time … so there’s no space for LYING … telling the truth wouldn’t bring you any harm…

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